Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Regret #1

Joining Facebook.

In a weak moment last night, I joined Facebook. What the hell was I thinking? I'll tell you. I blame Miriam. Yes, YOU, Miriam. I had received a few invitations from various people to join Facebook, but for some reason, when I saw her invite, I thought to myself, "Hmmm, I wonder what she's up to?" I hadn't heard from her in months. I figured I'd sign on, snoop around a bit, and then promptly get off the site - unseen and unheard. But BEWARE, oh Facebook newbies, because you can't just look at people's "profiles"/pages unless they let you, so you HAVE to alert people to your existence in order to look at anything. Herein lies the regret. Suddenly it was like being plopped in the center of the Pacific Ocean with no life raft. I was drowning in information and people. Too many people! But, it's like being at a party with cardboard cutouts. Everyone is there, but not really. Then I started seeing pictures of people that brought back so many memories, and not all good. Some things are better left in the past. But last night, suddenly, there were the people, the memories, AGH!@#)$(%

I'm sure there are people that see me on FB now and are terrified that I might "friend" them. (This means you send them a note to ask to be on their friend list. Then they either say "yes" or hell no.) It's bizarre. It's strange.

OK, so now I'm going to look at the damn FB glass as half-full. As it turns out, there IS an up side. I did find a few people that I haven't talked to in a long time and really WANT to talk to them. Though, officially we haven't talked. And if you are an avid reader of this blog, you know how I feel about the lack of human and/or voice contact in this digital/computer age. (Blog archive 12/31/08 "All of Us These Days") Needless to say, the possibility of a conversation is on the horizon, now that we've found each other. (Oooh, I feel the lyrics to a pop song coming on.)

Well, FB is addictive. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I thought I could resist, until the Grease trivia quiz. Then there was the Brady Bunch quiz too. This knowledge that I possess really is useless, except when a quiz is at hand. Stand back children of the 70s and 80s! I'll take you down.

I won't give up this blog, but I may go completely brain-dead and be unable to put two sentences together. Wish me luck.................

PS: Sorry I said the "d" word and the "h" word (2 times), Burch-Konda kids.


Viva le Mod said...

Don't be a hater playeh...I'll take the blame. Don't want to be addicted all by myself. FB is really not that bad... okay it is but I get to check up on all my "old school" pals. And I mean that literally... I've reconnected w/some high school and even grammar school buddies... I get to look in on my son Will's World every now and then and I even get to sling a few snappy comments at people I haven't talked to in years. We pick up where we left off... no back log, no awkwardness... I can harken back to a time before the angst and jadedness set in, a return to innocence... almost....
Love your blog... Will check in more often.
your old gal pal, Miriam (the FB pusher)

Saturnine said...

Hey Kiddo,
That's the price for being so popular!


Unknown said...

Well, look on the bright side - your name is Sally Carter. There are like a thousand 'Sally Carters' out there. So, it won't be that easy for someone to find you if you don't post a profile pic. You could be Anne Dulin-Scipio - in which case, there would only be one of you for all the world (FB world) to access!
I love your blog and can't wait to connect with you via Facecrack! I mean Facebook. It's just like crack. The addictive part. Not that I've ever tried crack. LOL!